How I Recover From Intense Training
We know you’ve been hitting the gym hard and busting it in your training. But spending hours lifting, day in and day out, might actually stall your progress. Recovery and rest are essential parts of any strength and conditioning program—and most coaches and trainers would argue it’s just as or more important than the lifting itself.
Any fitness enthusiast knows the importance of proper hydration prior, during, and following an intensive dose of physical activity. It is confirmed by science as well.
It’s no secret that getting plenty of rest is the key to both mental and physical health. But did you know that the lack of it can greatly hinder the course of your muscular recovery? And, it can reduce your overall athletic performance.
When it comes to rest days, the general rule is to maintain a healthy gap of 48 hours between workouts if you are a fan of more physically demanding routines. Of course, this is not a universal rule. Rather it is a guideline that you can abide by or tailor to suit your personal needs and preferences.