Here Are the Best Tips Before Your First Race | Under Armour South Africa

Here Are the Best Tips Before Your First Race

Here Are the Best Tips Before Your First Race

Race days are always a bit nerve-wracking. You focus on training, goal-setting, and perfecting everything from eating the right fuel to wearing the correct shoes, but when show time arrives, the stakes are high—especially if it’s your first time racing.

Stop worrying. Runners are a competitive bunch, and we can get carried away with our ambitions for how fast we want to run, where we want to finish, and who we want to beat in the race. It's important to remember, though, that 5Ks and 10Ks are fantastic community activities. You get to spend a morning testing yourself in front of strangers who are rooting for you.

Know the course. If you have the opportunity, run (or drive or bike) the race course to familiarize yourself with where you'll need to push and where you can relax; if you're going to the race and don't have time to do so, you can study the course map online. Make careful to find the race start early in the day to avoid getting lost on race day.

Consume foods that you are familiar with. The week leading up to a race isn't the best time to experiment with new cuisines or fuelling tactics. Instead, eat whatever has worked best for you during your regular weekday runs.

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